Movie Night

Movie Night Instructions

Join our Discord Chat at
Movie schedule

We will discuss in the Discord Chat the movie and how to set it up.

Movie Night Instructions – Netflix Viewing

You will also need the Chrome Web Browser.
If you do not have Chrome go here to download and install it.

After you have installed Chrome you will need to open up Chrome and install an extension to chrome.
Go to the website below called Showgoers and click on the button that says Install Showgoers for Chrome.
This will add it as an extension for your chrome.

Now that you have everything installed.
Go to Netflix on your chrome browser and Log In to your account.
When you are logged into your account wait for Remmels to send you a link that will sync our videos.
Click on that link and it will open the video for the night
If you dont have Chrome set up as your default browser you will have to copy and past the link into chrome
Remmels will start the video for you through his computer.

Movie Night Instructions – Viewing

Remington will send you a link through the movie chat room.
When you open the link it will ask you to pick a username. You don’t have to make an account you can just put a name in here and join in.
When it asks if you would would like to use your cam, microphone, or just messaging. Choose only messaging.
The page will open up and you will see the stream. The chat is on the right side of the page. If you dont see it click on the little icon that looks like a speech bubble on the bottom right.

To change the stream to High Definition there is a button that says LD in the bottom middle of the screen. Click it to change it to HD